
Block management is a multifaceted profession involving many skills and requiring compliance with a huge array of legislation and health & safety requirements.


The Right to Manage legislation gives the leaseholders of flats the ability to collectively take over the management of the block from the freeholder.


A managing agent’s job is often a thankless one, 90% of the time they are just fielding complaints, but that does not necessarily mean they are not performing.


Compared to your average landlord and tenant solicitor, I will charge a nominal fee for reviewing your circumstances and the issue that you have.


It requires a great deal of time, but if you and your fellow owners have the commitment and are prepared to shoulder the responsibility, then it’s a good option!


I can help you design the buildings to ensure they provide the features that are needed to ensure they are more desirable to purchasers.

Let us help your business to move forward.

Julian Butcher